five books stacked on a table in a library



The mission of the M. J. Chatton Medical Library, in aligning itself with the mission of SCVMC, is to provide the medical staff, management, and the broader SCVMC community and public, with the latest evidenced-based data, information and knowledge-level materials in a just-in-time manner to aid in their critical decision making and problem solving activities. 

To accomplish this we work expertly to gather information from multiple global sources and distribute the information using multiple means from photographs and interlibrary loans to participating in systematic reviews and holding in-person seminars.


The M. J. Chatton Medical Library employees are leaders, partners and colleagues engaged in the pursuit and discovery of knowledge for the advancement of medical and health education. The library is an open active and accessible learning environment, a hub for global information and a secure repository for evidenced-based scholarship.

Brief History

The Medical Library was named after Dr. Milton J. Chatton, Director of the Medical Institutions of Santa Clara County, who established many important medical school affiliations for teaching programs at Santa Clara Valley Medical Center (SCVMC). He taught at Stanford University, became consultant for State Department of Rehabilitation in 1959, and was influential in making the SCVMC one of the first hospitals to receive national accreditation as a major teaching hospital.       

CONTACT US & location

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic the Medical Library is open on site to the Santa Clara County staff and contractors only. Members of the public can call or email  their requests to our team.  The community’s library on site accessibility may change so please check back with our library team for future updates.

Milton J. Chatton Medical Library

751 S. Bascom Ave., Rm 2E063
San Jose, CA 95128

Phone: (408) 885-5650
Fax: (408) 885-5655
Email: [email protected]

Get Directions
Campus Map​


Monday, Wednesday - Friday
8:00am - 1:00​pm

8:00am - 5:00pm

Extended hours are available to staff who completed the 1 hour Medical Library orientation.

Closed on Weekends and County Holidays​​​​​​.


Hella Bluhm-Stieber, AHIP, MLIS

Medical Librarian 

Judith Weiner-Mills, AHIP, MLIS, NCMA

Medical Librarian

Vaughn Flaming, BS

Library Assistant​